Women in Cotton

Women in cotton is a committee developed by the ICA to try and increase diversity amongst its members and within the industry as a whole.

What is the WiC’s mission?

To promote diversity and inclusion by giving women a stronger voice and to increase the engagement and impact of women in the global cotton community.

Our 2025 objectives include:

  • Increase the representatives of women on ICA committees by 49% by 2026, as well as women speakers in high profile Industry event.
  • Grow the Social Media community by 50% and Engage with the community at least twice a week.
  • Organize virtual events every 6 weeks with attendance of at least 50 people.
  • Identify and Measure the incidence and progress of Women in the Industry.

How can you get involved?

Whether you are a man or a woman in the industry, you can:

  • Support Women in Cotton through social media with likes, shares and contributions of relevant content. Join our Women in Cotton LinkedIn group and Facebook group – don’t forget to use #WomeninCotton!
  • Contact wic@ica-ltd.org with ideas or offers to get involved
  • Access our library of previous events on the ICA’s WiC YouTube Playlist > 
  • If there is a local WiC group, reach out to them and get involved. If you’re unsure if your area has a local group, please check with wic@ica-ltd.org
  • Help us to plan and deliver our Chats for Change events! Contact wic@ica-ltd.org with your ideas for future events and how you might contribute in delivering them
  • Sign up to our eNewsletter to be the first to know about upcoming events here >
  • You can also show your support by adding the Women in Cotton virtual ‘button’ to your email Signatures. If you are interested, simply email wic@ica-ltd.org and we will send you the imagery with a quick guide for installing.

Women in Cotton Events

2024 Calendar of Events:

Are you in a leadership position?

We ask you to take this pledge and become a ‘Cotton Champion for Change’:

I pledge daily to respect women & encourage them into positions of influence in my business, I commit to identifying opportunities for three women within my organisation to advance their career paths, to add to diversity & create positive change.

Five simple steps you can take to support women in cotton:

  1. Check & challenge your company’s current diversity policy
  2. Approach a colleague to encourage them to join the Women in Cotton LinkedIn group (request to join the group >)
  3. Talk to your male & female colleagues about the benefits of diversity
  4. Implement compensation equality
  5. Promote work/life balance & workplace flexibility