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New Leadership Team Voted in at the ICA

A new leadership team has been voted in at the ICA following it’s annual general meeting, which took place earlier this month during our Liverpool 2024 trade event.

Mr Mohomed Bashir (Chairman, Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Ltd) will take on the role of ICA President. Mohomed will be supported by Mr Pierre Chehab (Head of Cotton Europe, Louis Dreyfus Company) as First Vice-President and Ms Eimear McDonagh (Director, Agri Direct Australia Pty Ltd) as Second Vice-President.

New to the board are Mr Rob Wakefield (Chief Marketing Officer, Wakefield Inspection Services), Ms Sanchia Chowdhury (Director, Square Textile PLC) and Mr Tom Phan (Deputy Director, Vinh Phat Spinning Co Ltd).

Speaking of his new role as ICA President, Mohomed Bashir said:

“As I assume the role of President of the International Cotton Association (ICA), I am truly humbled and honored to be the first Pakistani to lead this esteemed organization. This moment is not just a personal achievement; it represents a significant milestone for our industry and the progress we have made toward exclusivity and diversity in leadership.

I believe that the cotton industry holds limitless possibilities for everyone willing to learn, grow, and excel. My presidency will aim to convey a powerful message: that success in our field is attainable for all, regardless of their background. By embracing different perspectives, we have built a vibrant community, and I am committed to further enhancing an environment where every voice regardless of gender, culture, or industry segment is heard and valued.

As we look to the future, we face numerous challenges that demand our collective action. Issues such as climate change, currency fluctuations, market volatility, and evolving social and environmental legislation require us to come together as an industry. It is essential that we create an inclusive space where all sectors of the supply chain collaborate to address these challenges effectively.

Encouraging membership and active engagement from every region and sector of our industry is not merely an aspiration; it is a necessity. By welcoming diverse voices from producers to retailers we can harness the collective wisdom of our complex supply chain and ensure that no valuable insight is left untapped. 

While the road ahead may not be without its obstacles, I am excited about the opportunities that lie before us. Together, we can protect the interests of all stakeholders in our wonderful world of cotton and work toward sustainable solutions that benefit everyone involved.

As I embark on this journey as ICA President, I look forward to collaborating with each of you. Let us embrace the spirit of partnership and innovation as we navigate the complexities of our industry, ensuring a brighter future for the cotton community.

Thank you for your support, and together, let’s write the next chapter in the history of the ICA.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Mr. Mohomed Bashir joined the Board of Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited in 1982. He is a fellow member of Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), United Kingdom. Mr. Mohomed Bashir has a very rich and extensive experience in commerce and industry. He is currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited. He is also serving on many Boards including:

▪ Gul Ahmed Energy Limited

▪ Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited

▪ GTM (Europe) Limited – UK

▪ Gul Ahmed International Limited (FZC) – UAE


▪ Habib University Foundation

▪ Education Fund for Sindh

▪ Gul Ahmed Holdings (Private) Limited

▪ International Cotton Association Limited (ICA)

▪ International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF)

In recognition of his services he has been awarded Sitara‐e‐Imtiaz by the President of Pakistan in 2006 and was also conferred with Justice of Peace. On April 7, 2017 he was awarded with the Grade d’ Officier in the National Order of Merit by the President of the French Republic. On 19 February 2020, Mr. Bashir was awarded the Knight of King, Northern Star Order, first class by the King of Sweden, Mr. Carl Gustaf

Comprising 23 members, the new board line-up continues to represent the ICA’s global membership across all sectors of the supply chain and builds on its commitment to engage the entire global cotton community.

View the ICA Board line-up >