Arbitrator Search
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Mr Alfredo Cucala
Quality Arbitrator
Cucala Consultoria Eireli
T: 55 66 9624 2403
Ms Rongmin Guo
Technical Arbitrator
Languages Spoken: English, Chinese
Beijing Cotton Outlook Consulting Co Ltd
T: 86 108 808 6622 Ext 821
When did you start arbitrating or length of arbitration career?
Type of arbitrations you’ve done and do i.e. are you a quality and/or technical arbitrator?
Mr Feng Du
Technical Arbitrator
Languages Spoken: Chinese, English
Changzhou Keteng Textile Co Ltd
T: 86 130 6136 8960
When did you start arbitrating or length of arbitration career?
Type of arbitrations you’ve done and do i.e. are you a quality and/or technical arbitrator?
Technical Arbitrator.
Company name (name of company you work for during the day when not arbitrating)
Changzhou Keteng Textile Co Ltd, China
ICA Committee/Board experience
Former member of ICA Rules Committee. Current member of China Country Focus Group.
Mr Fritz Grobien
Technical & Quality Arbitrator
Languages Spoken: English, German
Albrecht, Mueller-Pearse & Co Trade (GmbH & Co) KG
T: 49 421 363 1030
When did you start arbitrating or length of arbitration career?
Over 20 years, starting arbitrating in 2003.
30 years’ experience in cotton trading.
President of the Bremen Cotton Association.
Chairman CICCA.
Member of EU Cotton Advisory Group.Type of arbitrations you’ve done and do i.e. are you a quality and/or technical arbitrator?
Quality and Technical.
Company name (name of company you work for during the day when not arbitrating)
Albrecht, Mueller-Pearse & Co. Trade.
ICA Committee/Board experience
President of ICA, 10 years LCA/ICA Board experience, various committees. Former ASC member.
Mr Axel Trede
Technical Arbitrator
Languages Spoken: English, German
Cotton Service International GmbH
T: 49 421 363 1033
When did you start arbitrating or length of arbitration career?
Type of arbitrations you’ve done and do i.e. are you a quality and/or technical arbitrator?
Company name (name of company you work for during the day when not arbitrating)
Cotton Service International GmbH.
ICA Board / Committee Experience
Member of ASC
Mr Josep Barderi Torm
Technical & Quality Arbitrator
Languages Spoken: English, Catalan, French, Greek, Spanish
Josep Barderi
T: 30 69807 03555
When did you start arbitrating or length of arbitration career?
Type of arbitrations you’ve done and do i.e. are you a quality and/or technical arbitrator?
Quality and Technical.
25 years’ experience in cotton trade. Current Vice-President of the Centro Algodonero Nacional – Spain.
ICA Committee/Board experience
Member of ICA Rules Committee and Arbitration Strategy Committee.
Mr Kevin (Zhiwei) XUE
Technical Arbitrator
Languages Spoken: Chinese, English
Newcrop (HK) International Trading Co Ltd
Hong Kong
T: 86 18600986100
20 years experience in cotton trade
12 years experience in textile export / fabric import
Started arbitrating in 2023
Kevin Xue has profound expertise and experiences in international cotton trade, having worked with both American and Chinese key merchants, including Weilbros Cotton Inc, China National Cotton Group Corporaton (CNCGC), and Xingyu (Hebei) Textile Raw Materials Co Ltd for the past eighteen years. His positions ranged from front line sales manager to senior management roles as general manager.
Kevin’s experiences with Weilbros included working for diverse international branch offices in the UK, Australia, Brazil and France. This helped him establish in-depth knowledge of the cotton and textile industry from the seller’s perspective. He has particularly gained a strong sense of how the Chinese buyers make purchase decisions under China’s regulatory framework in the context of global cotton supply chain, as well as cross-cultural client communication and services.
Working with CNCGC and Xingyu enabled him to further understand the cotton good trade practices from buyer’s perspective, including the state-owned enterprises (SOE) and private-owned enterprices (POE). He gained insight into the impacts of China’s policies on balancing between domestic and international cotton supplies.
Kevin currently is a member of the ICA Rules Committee, ICA Ambassador, on the panel of experts of cotton industry in Gerson Lehrman Group (GLG) since 2014. He also was a member of non-executive ICA Arbitration Strategy Committee and a member of the ICA Code of Conduct Working Group. He attended the ICA Complete Cotton and ACSA Memphis Cotton School in 2006 and 2017 respectively.
Languages spoken:
Chinese/English, fluent
Mr Andrew Kelley
Technical Arbitrator
Languages Spoken: English, French
Viterra BV
ICA Board Experience
A Director and Treasurer of the ICA
Mr Nick Hungate
Technical Arbitrator
Languages Spoken: English
R1 International Pte Ltd
T: 44 7703 393398
When did you start arbitrating or length of arbitration career?
30 years.
BA (Hons).
Type of arbitrations you’ve done and do i.e. are you a quality and/or technical arbitrator?
Company name (name of company you work for during the day when not arbitrating)
ICA Committee/Board experience details
Chairman of Arbitration Strategy Committee and former Director of the ICA. .
Mr Bill Ballenden
Technical Arbitrator
Languages Spoken: English, French
Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse SA
T: 41 58 688 2607
When did you start arbitrating or length of arbitration career?
18 years’ experience of technical arbitration. Bill started his career as a trainee trader with Cargill. He has lived and traded cotton in Africa, India and China and headed Asia and the European and Black Sea regions for Louis Dreyfus, before starting his own company in 2018. Fully fluent in French, Bill is an English native language speaker.
Type of arbitrations you’ve done and do i.e. are you a quality and/or technical arbitrator?
Company name (name of company you work for during the day when not arbitrating)
ICA Committee/Board experience details
Former Board member of the International Cotton Association Ltd 2003 to 2007. Former member of ASC and Rules Committee.
Mr Pierre Chehab
Technical Arbitrator
Languages Spoken: English, French
Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse SA
T: 41 58 6882596
When did you start arbitrating or length of arbitration career?
Started arbitrating in 2003.
Type of arbitrations you’ve done and do i.e. are you a quality and/or technical arbitrator?
Company name (name of company you work for during the day when not arbitrating).
Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse SA
ICA Committee/Board experience details
ICA Vice-President. Member of both the ICA and BCI Board. Member of ASC. Former Member of ICA Rules Committee and Values differentials.
Mr Tim North
Technical Arbitrator
Languages Spoken: English, French, Spanish, basic knowledge Portuguese
Tim North Consulting
T: 41 79 554 5726
When did you start arbitrating or length of arbitration career?
Tim began his cotton career in 1978 with Weil Brothers-Cotton Inc and joined ECOM Cotton Group in 2009 where he is currently Co-CEO of ECOM USA. Tim is a past President of the Western Cotton Shippers Association and is Vice Chairman of the American Cotton Shippers Association. Tim also serves on the board of the National Cotton Council of America.
Tim started arbitrating in 1995.Type of arbitrations you’ve done and do i.e. are you a quality and/or technical arbitrator?
Company name (name of company you work for during the day when not arbitrating)
ICA Committee/Board experience details
Past ICA President. Member of ICA Board. Member of ICA Pool of Chairmen. Tim serves on both the Arbitration Strategy Committee and previously served on the ICA Rules Committee.
English, French, Spanish, basic knowledge Portuguese
Ms Minji (Maggie) Zhai
Technical Arbitrator
Languages Spoken: Chinese, English
Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse SA
T: 41 58 688 2700
When did you start arbitrating or length of arbitration career?
Type of arbitrations you’ve done and do i.e. are you a quality and/or technical arbitrator?
Technical Arbitrator.
Company name (name of company you work for during the day when not arbitrating)
Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse SA.
ICA arbitrator. 10 years’ experience in cotton trading platform with Louis Dreyfus Company, including 5 years in Louis Dreyfus China.
Mr Leon Picon
Quality Arbitrator
Languages Spoken: English, Turkish
Orta Anadolu Ticaret ve Sanayi Isletmesi TAS
T: 90 212 315 3200
When did you start arbitrating or length of arbitration career?
Leon has worked for Orta Anadolu since 1999, responsible for cotton buying. Leon is Founder and current Chairman of IPUD (Good Cotton Practices Association - Strategic Partner of BCI in Turkey) and is a Board member of National Cotton Council of Turkey.
Type of arbitrations you’ve done and do i.e. are you a quality and/or technical arbitrator?
Full Quality Arbitrator, Probationary Technical Arbitrator.
ICA Committee/Board experience details
Leon is a current board member of ICA Ltd since 2016, a member of ICA Rules Committee and a member of ICA Cotton Consumers Committee.
Mr Jim Beard Jr
Quality Arbitrator
Languages Spoken: English
Cargill Cotton Limited
United Kingdom
T: 44 151 242 7500
When did you start arbitrating or length of arbitration career?
10 years.
James has been involved in the cotton industry for 21 years . The first 9 years with Wakefield Inspection Services Ltd and then with Cargill Cotton Ltd for the past 12 years . James has been an ICA member for 20 years
Type of arbitrations you’ve done and do i.e. are you a quality and/or technical arbitrator?
Quality arbitrator
Company name (name of company you work for during the day when not arbitrating).
Cargill Cotton Ltd
ICA Committee/Board experience details
James has been a member of the ICA Quality committees for 18 years and Chairman for the last 5. James has been a member of the ICA Value Differences committee for the last 10 years and is a current member of the ICA Quality Arbitration Strategy Committee.
Mr Chris Williams
Technical Arbitrator
Liverpool Cotton Brokers Limited
United Kingdom
T: 44 7429 432176
When did you start arbitrating or length of arbitration career?
Qualifications and experience
15 years’ experience in the cotton industry working for Plexus and Cargill including a five-year spell in Shanghai.
Now a partner in an independent commodity consultant based in Liverpool, UK.Type of arbitrations you’ve done and do i.e. are you a quality and/or technical arbitrator?
Company name (name of company you work for during the day when not arbitrating)
Liverpool Cotton Brokers Ltd
ICA Committee/Board experience details
ICA Board member and former member of ICA Rules Committee.
Past member of ICA Arbitration Strategy Committee. -
Mr Richard Pollard
Technical Arbitrator
Languages Spoken: English, Portuguese
Pan Asia Services Ltd
United Kingdom
T: 44 78887 37375
When did you start arbitrating or length of arbitration career?
25 years, starting arbitrating in 1994.
Professional Qualifications
Fellow SIArb - Singapore Institute of Arbitrators. Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
Type of arbitrations you’ve done and do i.e. are you a quality and/or technical arbitrator?
Quality and Technical.
Company name (name of company you work for during the day when not arbitrating)
ECOM Cotton Group, Singapore.
ICA Committee/Board experience
Former member of Board of Directors ICA. Former Chairman ICA Rules Committee. Member of Arbitration Strategy Committee.
Mr David Adcroft
Technical Arbitrator
Languages Spoken: English
David Adcroft Arbitration and Consultancy Services Limited
United Kingdom
T: 44 7490 437121
When did you start arbitrating or length of arbitration career?
David has over 35 years' experience in cotton merchanting , having started his career with Bunge Ltd Liverpool in 1975. David then moved to Bunge N.V. Antwerp for 4 years and then worked for 10 years with Allenberg Cotton Co. in Memphis TN. David has served 15 years as Director of Louis Dreyfus Cotton International N.V. in Antwerp Belgium and 8 years as a Director with Louis Dreyfus Suisse Geneva Switzerland.
Type of arbitrations you’ve done and do i.e. are you a quality and/or technical arbitrator?
ICA Committee/Board experience:
David is a Past President of ICA (2008/09) and has served on Board of Directors for 10 years as well as various committees.
Mr Andrew Hursthouse
Technical Arbitrator
inHOUSE Commodity Consulting
United Kingdom
T: 44 7748973188
When did you start arbitrating or length of arbitration career?
20+ years ago
1994-2008: Cotton Merchant, Trader & Risk Manager. Trading Director of Cargill Cotton UK. Platform Risk Manager for Cargill Agricultural Supply Chain. 2008-current: Commodity Consultant: inHOUSE Commodity Consulting Ltd. Earlam, Hursthouse & Williams (EH&W Ltd)
Type of arbitrations you’ve done and do i.e. are you a quality and/or technical arbitrator?
Company name (name of company you work for during the day when not arbitrating)
EH&W Ltd
ICA Committee/Board experience details
Past President 2008. Former Board member/Arbitration Strategy Committee Member/Rules Committee Member.
Current member of ASC. -
Mr Jamie Welsh
Technical Arbitrator
Languages Spoken: English
DJW Cotton Consulting Limited
United Kingdom
T: 44 777 926 6778
When did you start arbitrating or length of arbitration career?
Jamie has acted as arbitrator and Chairman at First-Tier and Appeal level in a wide range of disputes. Jamie has extensive award drafting experience.
Type of arbitrations you’ve done and do i.e. are you a quality and/or technical arbitrator?
Technical Arbitrator.
Company name (name of company you work for during the day when not arbitrating)
DJW Cotton Consulting Limited/ International Cotton Agency (ical) Limited.
ICA Committee/Board experience
ICA Board member, member of Arbitration Strategy Committee (ASC), Rules Committee member, member of Consumers Board Working Group, Quality ASC member.
Recipient of the ICA Outstanding Service Award in 2022.Professional qualifications
ICA/ CEDR Accredited Mediator.