
Keeping you up to date with everything that is happening at the ICA

Six more sign up to safe trading

April was a bumper month for members, as six more firms signed up to safe trading and joined the ICA. We are delighted to have them on board.

Here are their details to add to your ‘safe’ cotton contact list:

  1. Centro Algodonero Nacional, Spain
  2. Cotecna Inspection SA, Switzerland
  3. Khimji Visram & Sons (Commission Dept), India
  4. Island Textile Mills Ltd, Pakistan
  5. Tata Textile Mills Ltd, Pakistan
  6. Uzpakhtaexport JSC, Uzbekistan

And don’t forget, in just a couple of clicks you can access the entire ICA online membership directory for details of all our members – it’s FREE.
If you are involved in cotton and support safe trading, why not join the ICA community?