
Keeping you up to date with everything that is happening at the ICA

Outstanding Service Awards

In 2022, the ICA introduced a new award, intended to recognise outstanding service by our members who go the extra mile to contribute to the greater good of the industry and their peers in the Association, without a thought for their own reward or advancement.

This year, at the ICA’s Liverpool 2024 trade event, it was awarded to Peter Wakefield (Wakefield Inspection Services).

Peter has supported the ICA over many years. He has extensive Board experience, having served at least three terms on our Board, most recently from 2007 – 2013 and 2019 to 2022. In addition to this Peter was the second President of the ICA from 2005 to 2006. He has been a long-serving member of the Rules Committee, where his contributions have been invaluable over the years.

He has chaired, and continues to contribute to the Controller Working Group. He has also been a member of several ICA working groups and panels, and has contributed to every aspect of the Association throughout his career. His tireless contributions to the ICA are thoughtful and well considered, he freely shares his extensive cotton experience and he consistently wears his ‘ICA hat’, foregoing his own commercial interests, as he always seeks to do what is best for the Association.

Thank you to all ICA members who nominated.