Online Application

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Online Application

Important advice to help you complete your application:
Before you begin, please ensure that you have the following information available, as it will be required during the application process:

Proposer and Seconder – To support your application, you must have a Proposer and Seconder who are Individual Members of the ICA. Both must be from outside your organisation and at least one must be based in a different country than where you are based. Both must be able to make the following declaration on your behalf: “To the best of our knowledge and belief, the applicant will conform to the accepted standards of conduct in its trading activities and will abide by the provisions of ICA regulations.”

Amount of Cotton Traded - The amount of cotton (in tons) you trade each year

Company Directors – Details of your company directors/partners/board members, including duration

Related Companies - Details of any companies that are related to your firm, including shareholding percentages and principal lines of business/products for each firm

Other Associations - Details of any other associations that your firm is a member of

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