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Another five new members joined us last month, taking our membership total up to 434 (firms and individuals). Please welcome…

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Liverpool 2024 comes to an end with a spectacular Gala Dinner at St George's Hall, where the ICA Presidency was handed over from Kim Hanna to Mohomed Bashir ICALiv24
Liverpool 2024 finished with a Gala Dinner in the spectacular St George's Hall. Thank you to all our delegates for coming to icaliv24 - see you next October in Dubai (8-9 Oct)!
Day 2 of ICALiv24 conference is done! Now time to get ready for tonight's Gala Dinner in the spectacular St George's Hall
Day 2 at Liverpool 2024 starts with a keynote session from Colin Iles, Executive Marketing Manager Cotton & Sugar, Viterra. The 2nd keynote of the day saw Jagan Gopinath (Arvind Ltd) join a panel with Macrovesta's Oliver Jobling and Joseph Maliszewski exploring the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the cotton industry ICALiv24
Day 1 concludes at ICALiv24 with Cotton Connected sessions and a Welcome Party for delegates at the Municipal Hotel
Liverpool 2024 opens with a keynote panel session addressing emerging EU legislation and its impact on cotton. Moderated by Bill Ballenden (Louis Dreyfus Company), the panel featured Eva Bille (Hill and Knowlton), Elisabeth van Delden (Make the Label Count) and Eric Trachtenberg (ICAC). Speakers delivered a powerful message to delegates - urgent action is needed from the cotton community.Arvind Singhal (Technopak Advisors Private Ltd) then took to the stage to deliver the 2nd keynote of the day, highlighting unprecedented changes underway that will significantly impact the current ecosystem of the textile and clothing industry ICALiv24

MaketheLabelCount ICALiv24 naturalfibres cotton