Which membership category is right for you?

There are 6 categories to choose from to suit every business type and size

Use category checker tool

Please choose the most relevant statement

How many tonnes per year do your trade?

Your category is:

Principal Firm Merchant

See fees & apply

Your category is:

Principal Firm – Spinners & Mills

See fees & apply

Your category is:

Principal Firm – Producers & Ginners

See fees & apply

Your category is:

Affiliate Industry Firm

See fees & apply

Your category is:

Agent Firm

See fees & apply

Your category is:

Affiliated Association

See fees & apply

Your category is:

Individual Member

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Your category is:

Executive Partner Member

See fees & apply

Please choose the most relevant statement

Please choose the most relevant statement

Six reasons to join our community!

Global Community

Be part of the ICA global cotton community. Share best practice and drive industry standards


Offers you protection against contract disputes and cost savings on ICA arbitration

Contract Sanctity

Shows the world cotton market that you support safe trading and contract sanctity

Safe Trading

Gives you access to our ‘Safe Trading Search’ to help you make safe trading choices


Provides you with global exposure and trade and networking opportunities

Discounts & Offers

Discounts on ICA services – arbitration, training, events, cotton testing and more​

Membership categories

Click through the slider to see the categories available.

Principal Firm Merchant

  • Arbitration application
  • Free individual member
  • Voting rights
  • Discounts available
  • Membership notifications
  • Notification of changes to safe trading
  • Access to Members’ Area
  • ICA Membership logo on website
  • Ability to become an arbitrator
  • Notarisation

Explore our four bands

Principal Firm – Spinners & Mills

  • Arbitration application
  • Free individual member
  • Voting rights
  • Discounts available
  • Membership notifications
  • Notification of changes to safe trading
  • Access to Members’ Area
  • ICA Membership logo on website
  • Ability to become an arbitrator
  • Notarisation

Fee: £1800 per annum

Principal Firm – Producers & Ginners

  • Arbitration application
  • Free individual member
  • Voting rights
  • Discounts available
  • Membership notifications
  • Notification of changes to safe trading
  • Access to Members’ Area
  • ICA Membership logo on website
  • Ability to become an arbitrator
  • Notarisation

Fee: £1800 per annum

Affiliate Industry Firm

  • Arbitration application
  • Free individual member
  • Voting rights
  • Discounts available
  • Membership notifications
  • Notification of changes to safe trading
  • Access to Members’ Area
  • ICA Membership logo on website
  • Ability to become an arbitrator
  • Notarisation

Fee: £1,800 per annum

Agent Firm

  • Arbitration application
  • Free individual member
  • Voting rights
  • Discounts available
  • Membership notifications
  • Notification of changes to safe trading
  • Access to Members’ Area
  • ICA Membership logo on website
  • Ability to become an arbitrator
  • Notarisation

Fee: £1,000 per annum

Affiliated Association

  • Arbitration application
  • Free individual member
  • Voting rights
  • Discounts available
  • Membership notifications
  • Notification of changes to safe trading
  • Access to Members’ Area
  • ICA Membership logo on website
  • Ability to become an arbitrator
  • Notarisation

No fee

Individual Member

  • Arbitration application
  • Free individual member
  • Voting rights
  • Discounts available
  • Membership notifications
  • Notification of changes to safe trading
  • Access to Members’ Area
  • ICA Membership logo on website
  • Ability to become an arbitrator
  • Notarisation

Fee: £500 per annum

Executive Partner Member

  • Global exposure & networking opportunities
  • Be listed as an ICA preferred supplier (subject to ICA Board approval)
  • 1 free ticket to the ICA trade event
  • Opportunity to present at ICA events
  • Company included in ICA Membership Directory
  • Logo on the ICA website
  • Discounts available
  • Membership notifications
  • Notification of changes to safe trading
  • Access to Members’ Area
  • ICA Membership logo on website

Fee: £2,750 per annum