
Keeping you up to date with everything that is happening at the ICA

ICA joins MTLC coalition in drive for fair & credible EU labelling

The ICA has officially become a coalition member of Make the Label Count (MTLC). Collectively, we are pushing for changes to the EU’s Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) approach, which runs the risk of simplifying sustainability claims excessively and favouring synthetic fibres over natural ones.

These PEF rules are being used as the basis for draft EU legislation which ignores important factors such as plastic waste, microplastics and the full environmental impact of fossil-fuel fibres. They also fail to recognise the positive impact of natural fibres such as cotton, which are biodegradable, recyclable and renewable.

Our joint venture company, ICA Bremen, has also joined the list of MTLC coalition members in the drive for fair and credible labelling.

ICA President, Kim Hanna, explains; “Both ICA and ICA Bremen are committed to ensuring that sustainability labels provide consumers with accurate and balanced information.

“These rules are likely to be implemented for all textile labelling in the EU within 3 years, so we urgently need the cotton community to rally together and take any action they can to support MTLC’s campaign. Support can include re-publishing and communicating key information about this legislation and its risk to natural fibres, encouraging local associations to support this campaign and spreading good news stories about cotton and other natural fibres through personal and professional social media networks.”

Dalena White, Spokesperson for the MTLC coalition added: “We welcome the support of our Cotton colleagues in this important global coalition of natural fibre and environmental agencies. Textile pollution will require legislation to deal with it at its source. We stand ready to support the European Commission in this important task, to ensure we create a level playing field for all fibres, while protecting the livelihood of our most vulnerable communities.”

MTLC is a coalition of organisations representing natural fibres such as cotton. The ICA was the first cotton organisation to pledge a financial contribution to support MTLC’s campaign.

Find out more about this EU legislation and why it matters to the cotton community >

Contact MTLC for information on how you can support their campaign >