Global registration now open for 'Moving Forward' event

Global registration now open for 'Moving Forward' event

Global registration is now open for the International Cotton Association’s (ICA) next major trade event – ‘Moving Forward’ – which takes place on the 20/21 October 2011 in Liverpool, UK.

Set in the magnificent surroundings of St George’s Hall and the Crowne Plaza Hotel, this international gathering is one of the highlights of the world’s cotton calendar and marks the culmination of one of the busiest times in the year for the cotton trade.
With 500 delegates expected to attend, the two-day programme will include a chance to network and focus on business with other key industry professionals plus access to a series of topical industry presentations. Speaking ahead of the event, ICA President and Director of Cotton Outlook Ltd, Ray Butler explains:  “Being President of the ICA is an honour, and a privilege, that only a few people will experience during the course of their careers. A big part of that honour will be hosting this year’s annual trade event here in Liverpool. I attended my first one back in 1976, a different era, when phones were fixed to the wall, telex was the main ‘quick’ tool for written business communications and travelling to remote places was a challenge, not because of security in flying per se, but owing to the novelty of visiting remote places – the Iron Curtain was still drawn and China had yet to begin making overtures to join the world trading order. 
“The business environment is of course very different today, but, even though we have seen exceptionally volatile market conditions in recent years,the event continues to attract 500 delegates. This is clearly a mark of its continued success and of the attraction of Liverpool as a venue. We intend that this year will be no exception. The event theme is ‘Moving Forward’ and, once again, we have a full schedule planned plus plenty of opportunity for delegates to network, socialise and do business. Also, for the first time, the event will play host to the ICA Annual General Meeting.
“Given the volatile times we are going through, strengthening the cotton community through networking events such as this is vital and I sincerely hope that you can join us.”
The event is open to anybody with an interest in the cotton trade and has already attracted sponsorship from 11 companies – including Cargill, Libero, Reinhart, Louis Dreyfus/Allenberg, Wakefield Inspection Services, Telvent, Generation 10,Cotton Outlook, Sunrise Resources, Royal Inspection and Bhadresh.
The two-day event ticket price is GBP £200 for ICA Individual Members and GBP £265 for non-members.