Technical Appeal Fees

Technical appeal fees

The costs for technical arbitrations and appeals are detailed below:
(Please note that the amount to be paid in each case will be in line with the firm’s ICA registration status on the date of the contract giving rise to the dispute – see ICA Bylaws & Rules, Arbitration Bylaws – Fees and Charges)

Application fees
Principal Firms and Related Companies – No Fee
TAC appeal application fees for non-registered firms to be £10,000

Other appeal fees
Applicant to pay a £10,000 deposit for TAC costs and any first-tier recovery costs
The chairman of the appeal committee shall decide the hourly rate to be charged by the appeal committee members, up to a maximum of £190.00
Fractions of an hour after the first hour shall be charged pro rata
A minimum fee of £100.00 shall be payable
An additional fee of £250.00 per arbitration will be payable to the Chairman
The Association will charge as its fees 25% of the technical appeal committee’s total fees

Stamping charges
All firms – No Fee

All firms £600.00

Other fees