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EU Legislation – Why it matters to the cotton community >

EU Legislation – Why it matters to the cotton community >
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Bill leads the ICA’s management team. He is responsible for the providing services and systems that meet the members’ needs and ensure the enduring success of the Association. He is MD of the joint venture – ICA Bremen.
Diane plans, directs and controls the ICA’s financial staff and systems, ensuring their relevancy and robustness provides an efficient and effective finance function within the ICA.
As Executive Assistant, Angela’s main responsibility is Board and Governance supporting the Officers and Managing Director of the ICA.
As Communications & Marketing Officer, Esrin is primarily responsible for the ICA’s marketing communications, including the ICA’s website, eNewsletters and social media accounts. She also represents the ICA in the Women in Cotton Working Group.
John is Head of the Arbitration team as well as being secretary to the Arbitration Strategy and Rules Committee. He is also Company Secretary and Executive Officer of the ICA Mutual Ltd.
Robert deals with quality disputes and arbitrations, and as part of ICA Bremen, is responsible for the international laboratory certification programme. He conducts outreach, training and engagement in cotton producing and consuming countries. He also focuses on various quality committees and CICCA as well as information technology.
Assisting the Finance Manager with the provision of an efficient and effective Finance function within the ICA, Jen assists with the planning and control of systems and ensures their relevancy and robustness.
Tracy provides assistance and guidance for those considering membership and is also responsible for the management of processing membership and membership database management upkeep.
Casandra’s responsibilities include identifying links between companies listed on the ICA LOUA and their related companies. She also obtains and analyses shipment data for evidence of companies trading with defaulters.
As Training & Events Assistant, Lily’s role is heavily involved in delivering the ICA’s online and physical events.
Emmy is responsible for various marketing and communication tasks for the ICA’s joint venture company, ICA Bremen.