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ICA continues to strengthen ties in India

Following on from our successful visit in 2010 and as part of our strategy to strengthen ties in India, the ICA will return again next month to meet with a number of leading cotton officials.

The delegation (comprising ICA President – Ray Butler, First Vice President – Antonio Esteve, Director – Mohit Shah and Managing Director – Kai Hughes) will travel to Mumbai and Coimbatore. They plan to meet with representatives from the Confederation of Indian Textile Industry, the Cotton Association of India, the South India Cotton Association, the Cotton Corporation of India and the office of the Textile Commissioner.
Speaking ahead of the trip, which will take place between 17-23 March, Ray Butler says: “The aim of our visit is to discuss matters of mutual interest concerning international trade in raw cotton and to elicit continued support from the major Indian cotton and textile organisations for the concept of sanctity of contract.”